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ARC Expense Reimbursement Policy


General Statement

The Executive of the Atlantic Regional Council is made up of the VP Atlantic, the RDs for the four Atlantic Provinces, and the Secretary Treasurer. This policy covers certain expenses that the ARC executive members and/or ARC committee chairs incur while doing the council’s work including attending Atlantic Regional Council meetings.*


General Principles

Members whose expenses are supported by Atlantic Regional Council will travel as economically as possible. Travel expenses claimed must follow these guidelines.


  • When travelling by car with others, consideration should be given to sharing the travel costs. 

  • Accommodation and meal costs are not covered by the ARC. 

  • All expense claims must be made as soon as possible after they are incurred. 

  • All expense claims shall be made using the ARC Expense Claim Form and all receipts must be included at the time of submission.



Expenses Covered for ARC Executive when attending the ARC AGM:

1.    Registration fee

2.    Honorarium - $50.00

3.    Least expensive travel method (airfare, car)

a.    The accepted cost for travel by car will be charged at $0.40/km and will not exceed economy class air transportation. Included also will be the cost of related highway tolls and/ or ferry costs.

b.    For air travel, eligible expenses include economy-class transportation only and payment of other options will not exceed the maximum of the economy airfare, plus normal expense of local transport required for the trip.


Expenses Covered for ARC Committee Chairs when they are requested to appear and present a report at an ARC AGM:

1.    Registration fee

2.    Honorarium - $50.00 




*Please note: Most expenses of the VP Atlantic and RDs are covered under the VP Atlantic budget (e.g. trips to visit clubs, ink cartridges, etc.) which is allotted from National and claimed through the VP Atlantic on the National Expense Claim form.

Passed: October 13, 2012

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