Welcome to the CFUW Atlantic Regional Council (ARC)
To contact CFUW ARC email contactcfuwarc@gmail.com
Save the Date
April 27, 2024 1:30 – 3:30 pm AT
The CFUW Atlantic Regional Council Virtual AGM
Proposed Theme: Homelessness
December 2023
In the blink of an eye, another year has been added to the eons of time. The concerns of COVID now have become part of our everyday lives – we take care and precautions as needed and continue on meeting and building on the friendships and activities CFUW has always provided!
I was very pleased that we had a wonderful Fall Gathering in October, full of sharing to supplement the so very successful, educational and enjoyable in-person ARC AGM in Charlottetown in April.
Clubs have been meeting, continuing their informative programs and initiatives and outreach in their communities, especially at this time of year.
As we wind down our focus on the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, many of you will be celebrating your Christmas/ Holiday festive gatherings. This is such a time of remembering the good in the world and our striving for a peaceful, kind world. Please share our good wishes with all your members.
May your holidy be joyous and filled with laughter
May the traditions and beliefs of the season , whatevery they may be, warm the heart as you celebrate with family and friends
May the New Year bring success, health, happiness and goodwill
Merry Christmas
Atlantic Regional Council Executive – Patti, Jean F., Jean M., Celine, Eleanor and me December 2023
Who We Are
ARC was formed in 1988 to help improve communication, cooperation, and friendship among CFUW clubs in the four Atlantic Provinces, and to promote the policies and programs of CFUW.
Organizational meetings were held in Truro in 1987, and in March 1988 in Sackville, NB. The CFUW Atlantic Regional Council inaugural meeting was held in Wolfville in October 1988 with 16 Clubs represented. The CFUW Vice President Atlantic is the President of the Council, with Regional Directors (one for each of NS, NB, NL and PEI) and a Secretary-Treasurer forming the Executive.
The purpose of CFUW ARC is:
To facilitate communication and cooperation of the clubs of the Atlantic Region
To encourage and initiate studies on matters of mutual concern in the region
To promote an understanding of provincial, regional and national issues and their implications through dialogue among member clubs
To promote the policies and programs of CFUW, and
To cooperate with other organzations on issues consistent with CFUW policies
For information about Graduate Women International (GWI), formerly the International Federation of University Women (IFUW), visit www.graduatewomen.org