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APRIL 28-29, 2023



 Theme "Women and the Environment". 

Registration is $100/person


Club members of CFUW Charlottetown are very pleased to host the first in-person ARC AGM and Conference since 2019!


Conference begins at 1:00 pm Friday, April 28th and ends at noon Saturday April 29th, followed by lunch and the ARC Annual General Meeting.


The conference will be held at the Holman Grand Hotel ( in the heart of downtown Charlottetown.  It is a beautiful venue in a terrific location.  

Conference room rate: $152, single or double occupancy (plus applicable taxes).

This rate is available to conference attendees April 28th as well as two days before and two after for those who wish to come early or stay later. 


Note: Rooms will be held until February 28th, so book early. After that date, the room rate will be the same but availability is not guaranteed.  


Links to the Registration Form with Hotel Information, and Speakers List are found on the AGM  Page










President's Message March 2023


The Charlottetown club has put together an exciting list of speakers for their theme of Women and the Environment as well as social events for us to meet old and make new friends!


I too am looking forward to the Boutique to find some special buys. Our club will be bringing some colourful summer paintings contributed by the daughter of a member, now passed away.


This week Celine Pinsent, RD PEI, told the ARC executive about their innovative idea of getting sponsors to cover university students’ registration fee to attend the AGM & Conference. We all will have to make sure that we make those students feel very welcome!


You recently received the ARC AGM package of documents. Please take particular note that there is a motion to hold a virtual Fall Gathering of the Atlantic Regional Council clubs on Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023. The Executive felt it important to have one in part due to the change of our AGM to the spring. That puts the AGM when clubs normally shared their club year-end reports, before they have produced them. As well, this AGM does not have time enough for a club Town Hall for sharing and discussion so a Fall Gathering would be a chance for all clubs to do that.


I have one very late request. Rather than come to the AGM to share one success and one challenge, could you send me one success to add to the AGM PowerPoint please? This would ensure we would have time to share all of them. We can leave for the Fall Gathering our complete successes and challenges lists for the Fall Gathering!


Best Wishes to all for a safe trip to Charlottetown!     


Karen Dunnett

President, Atlantic Regional Council


Please Join the CFUW ARC Fall Gathering


Date:  November 6, 2021

Time:  1:30 pm - 3:30 pm


"Embracing Change and Celebrating our Support for Women's Education"


To register for the Zoom link please contact

Margaret Therrien


Save The Date


The ARC Clubs have agreed to the proposals identified below, (see ARC AGM Date Change) therefore Clubs should set aside the afternoon of Saturday, November 6th, 2021 for a 2 hour virtual Atlantic Gathering.  Following a very short business meeting, to approve an updated version of the ARC Constitution and By-Laws, the Atlantic Region Council is looking to host a panel session of past CFUW scholarship winners.  Stay tuned for further details on this website and by email.




CFUW National Virtual AGM






The CFUW Virtual 2021 AGM will take place electronically on June 25 and 26, 2021.  A social evening will be held on June 24, 2021.  


  • June 25 - 1-4 pm (AT)- CFUW AGM to discuss Bylaw amendments, approve the audited statements, appoint the Auditor, approve the CFUW Budget and vote on the dues motions


  • June 26 - 1-4 pm (AT)- Policy Session (assuming the AGM business is complete) to vote on Advocacy Resolutions and the amendment to the CFUW Administrative Policy and Procedures Book - Volume One


An evening of Awards, Entertainment and Conversation will be held at  7:00 pm (AT) on June 24, 2021.  Looks to be a most entertaining evening.


For further information go the the National CFUW website at:


Annual General Meeting & Convention 2021 – CFUW Members site (





At the October 2020 ARC AGM there was a proposal to change the time for the ARC AGM from the Fall to the Spring, to bring our Regional Council in line with the rest of the country and to facilitate the move to have Regional Councils responsible for the election of Regional Directors.


The following transition to the new timetable is proposed:


                             ARC Conference (Virtual) - Fall 2021

                             ARC AGM (Virtual) - Spring 2022

                             ARC AGM (In-Person) - Spring 2023


In order to accomplish the transition, we need to have a change in our fiscal year so that it continues beyond June 30th of 2021.  Your Arc Executive has approved this proposal, so in accordance with the ARC Constitution we are requesting a vote on the following questions:


1.  Does your Club support the change of time for the Atlantic Regional Council Annual General Meeting from Fall to Spring?

2.  Does your Club support the establishment of a transitional fiscal year for the Atlantic Regional Council to run from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021?


Your Club decision regarding these questions is to be sent to the ARC Secretary/Treasurer no later than April 30, 2021.


News From National 



GWI Dues - Opt In/Opt Out


At the Board meeting on December 1, a motion was passes to allow Clubs to opt out of the GWI per dues calculation beginning with the 2022 GWI dues.  This means that CFUW's dues obligation to GWI will be based on the number of members in clubs that did not opt out.  All clubs will continue to pay CFUW per capita dues of $76.00 unless the dues are changed at an AGM.


Clubs are asked to provide their Clubs decision regarding opting in or opting out of per capita GWI dues no later than March 31, 2021.


          Our New Century - Our New Challenges

2020 National AGM and Conference


June 18-20 in Ottawa

Delta Hotel, 101 Lyon Street North



2019 Annual General Meeting and Conference

100 Years of CFUW - The Power of Women Working Together

On August 15-17, 2019, CFUW members and guests gathered in Winnipeg Manitoba to celebrate the momentous event of CFUW’s 100th Anniversary. The meeting was held at the historic Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg. It is very fitting that Winnipeg is the location of our meeting since it was in Winnipeg in 1919 that representatives of the University Women’s Clubs of Canada met to organize the Canadian Federation of University Women. 












Atlantic Region Attendees at the National Winnipeg AGM





From CFUW Fredericton

Two very special members


Eileen Wallace Documentary

Althea Macaulay


Congratulations CFUW Dartmouth


CFUW Dartmouth held a 70th Anniversary tea on Oct 3, 2018.  Click on link below to see a video of this event.


2018OpenHouse Eileen2.jpg
AGM Photo.jpg
AGM Photo.jpg
Anchor 1
In need of a carpenter in San Francisco?

© 2015 CFUW ARC

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